SHAPE Europe & Eurasia 2023: Uniting for a Brighter Future in Bilbao

I recently had the privilege of participating in SHAPE Europe & Eurasia 2023, an event hosted by the Global Shapers Community Bilbao Hub that brought together over 250 Global Shapers from 42 countries and 110 hubs. The city of Bilbao, with its rich cultural heritage, provided the perfect backdrop for this gathering of young leaders, turning it into a melting pot of diverse perspectives, innovative ideas, and a unified commitment to shaping a better future.

The central theme of our discussions, "Harreman: uniting community and territory," couldn't have been more relevant. In a world often divided by various challenges and uncertainties, Harreman serves as a guiding light, leading us towards unity and collaboration. This concept reminds us that the impact of our projects and initiatives is not just about what we contribute, but also about the knowledge and inspiration we receive in return.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to the Bilbao Hub for their exceptional organization of the event and to the Bask people for their warm hospitality. Your efforts transformed this event into a successful and unforgettable experience.

In these times of global uncertainty, the significance of building connections, both literal and metaphorical, is more crucial than ever. The SHAPE Europe & Eurasia 2023 event was a powerful demonstration of the impact of bringing people together. It underscored the urgent need for solidarity, particularly among emerging leaders.

As we go our separate ways, we carry with us the spirit of Harreman, a renewed purpose, and a strengthened bond with our global community. The road ahead may be long, but united, we are equipped to make significant strides towards a world characterized by greater understanding, cooperation, and shared prosperity.