WEF Global Shapers Annual Summit 2023

As I sit down to articulate the profound impact of the past three days spent at the Global Shapers Community Annual Summit 2023, adrenaline and excitement continue circulating through my veins. Representing the vibrant city of Tripoli, Libya, as the incoming curator for 2023–24, I had the privilege of engaging with energetic and innovative change-makers from more than 500 cities spanning over 150 countries.

Under the inspiring banner of "Accelerating Values-Based Leadership," this summit served as a powerful platform for us to collectively explore some of the most pressing issues that confront our global community today. From dissecting the vast challenge of climate change, to fostering responsible innovation, to reskilling initiatives, our discussions were as diverse as our backgrounds and cultures, reflecting the very spirit of this global assembly.

Perhaps one of the most rewarding aspects of the summit was sharing our own journey, the story of the Tripoli Hub. It was an honour to present our efforts, recount our challenges, and share our dreams with such a vibrant international community. Our conviction - that young people are not just leaders of tomorrow but also the primary agents of change today - resonated powerfully within the auditorium.

Interacting with so many brilliant minds was nothing short of inspiring. The shared passion, commitment, and sheer determination to foster positive, lasting change served as a powerful reminder of why we are part of this endeavour. Each interaction, every idea exchanged, and every story shared will serve as a guiding beacon in our respective journeys.

Now, as we return to our homes scattered across the length and breadth of the globe, the real journey commences. With the mantle of curatorship comes a profound sense of responsibility and passion. The hopes and aspirations of our communities rest heavily on our shoulders, fuelling our commitment to bring about tangible, positive change.

I am eager to translate the momentum and insights gathered from this summit into our work at the Tripoli Hub. This truly global event has filled us with newfound energy, perspective, and an even stronger commitment to our mission. As we move forward, I am hopeful to see familiar faces and meet new ones at the next summit.

Together, we have the power to shape a better, more inclusive world. This is the conviction that drives us, the vision that unites us, and the mission that defines us. Here's to another year of working towards it, side by side. 🌍💪🏼

#GlobalShapers #ShapersSummit23 #GSTripoli #ShapeTripoli #ShapeLibya #ChangeMakers